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Design Shanghai 2024 Features


Design Street

Design Street
Following on from the success of this year’s exhibition we are bringing Design Street back to Design Shanghai for their 11th show. Running in parallel with our Studio Sessions series, our new exhibition format will feature a collection of top design studios from around the world and provide an insight into who is behind the products you know and love. Design Street offers a unique and engaging event experience, allowing visitors to view each product from a 360-degree angle and providing a more relaxed, design focused atmosphere than the traditional trade show format. Each studio will have its own stand, or ‘house’, to showcase products they have designed. As a brand, we’ve always worked hard to showcase what it takes to bring a project from the very start of an idea through to the final product, alongside also giving our audience an insight into who is actually behind the products they know and love. There will be a select group of top design studios from around the world to feature within Design Street, resulting in a diverse and impressive showcase of industrial design.
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